Despite their best efforts to bully and coerce, Jordan Frizzell of Star City Schools isn’t backing down

Jordan Frizzell, superintendent of Star City Schools, likes some parts of The LEARNS Act, other parts, not so much. He has been upfront about the pros and cons of LEARNS for a while now. I asked Frizzell how he feels about Gov. Sarah Sanders and Sen. Breanne Davis’ political effort to silence his public opposition. “It’s just unbelievable, really. It’s shocking to me they would reach this far,” he said. 

Posted inArkansas Blog

Arkansas LEARNS omnibus education and voucher bill zooms through committee despite questions, could become law within days

After a day of contentious testimony and acknowledgments that there are still issues and questions in the 144-page bill that need attention, members of the Senate Education Committee voted yes on moving Arkansas LEARNS out of committee and on to the full Senate, where it’s expected to be voted on Thursday.

Posted inArkansas Blog

Conservative lawmakers plunge ahead with school bathroom bill targeting trans kids

Rep. Mary Bentley (R-Perryville) is a one-hit wonder with her fixation on transgender children that spans the years and the legislative sessions, but her fellow Arkansas lawmakers seem happy to stay stuck in the time warp with her. On Wednesday, Bentley sold her shoddy bathroom bill to the Senate Education Committee, moving it another step closer to becoming law and getting the state sued again for violating transgender children’s civil and constitutional rights.

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