After extended debate, the House Education Committee today defeated Sen. Breanne Davis’ SB 452 to prevent using public money on education lobbying associations.
Breanne Davis
Posted inArkansas Blog
The silent majority at work in Senate committee on seatbelt bill
Today’s committee tomfoolery comes from the late afternoon meeting yesterday of the Senate Transportation Committee, which gave a favorable recommendation to SB 534 by Sen. Blake Johnson to enhance penalties for distracted driving and texting while driving but, significantly, to lower the penalty for failure to wear a seatbelt from a primary to secondary offense.
Posted inArkansas Blog
Racing Commission rules get a tweak in apparent response to Pope County casino furor
Byron Freeland, attorney for the Arkansas Racing Commission, has distributed a proposed change in draft rules for the regulation of casino gambling that would clarify a potential controversy over what constitutes approval by a local official of a casino application.