Posted inArkansas Blog

Black leaders inspire at the Arkansas Black Philanthropy Collaborative’s second annual Convening

For its second annual Convening, the Arkansas Black Philanthropy Collaborative (ABPC) brought over 50 professionals, nonprofit leaders and business executives to the Marriott Hotel in downtown Little Rock. Dr. Tyrone McKinley Freeman, author of “Madam C.J. Walker’s Gospel of Giving: Black Women’s Philanthropy during Jim Crow,” gave an inspiring keynote speech.

Posted inRock Candy

‘In the Next Room (or The Vibrator Play),’ a production about Victorian hysteria, starts Friday at The Weekend Theater

While Dr. Givings experiments with a new electrical invention designed to cure hysteria, an early approximation of the vibrator, his wife, Catherine, takes care of their newborn daughter just a wall away, eavesdropping with jealousy and confusion while struggling to breastfeed. This premise sets off a world of tension in “In the Next Room (or The Vibrator Play),” running at The Weekend Theater for the first three weeks of December.

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