The Heber Springs dispensary is at the center of a complicated legal battle.
Marshall Wright
Law firm files defamation suit in dispensary legal battle
Alex Gray and Nate Steel filed a defamation suit last week against Marshall Wright and Scott Pace, who accused them of fraud and malpractice in relation to medical marijuana dispensary ownership.
Clubbing with the Arkansas legislature
A powerful lobbyist invites others of her station to a fund-raiser for a member of the Arkansas legislature at — where else — a private club started by another member of the Arkansas legislature.
Rounding up potential Arkansas congressional candidates
Roll Call speculates on Arkansas congressional races, wrongly, I think, calling all of Arkansas four districts safe for incumbents.
Lawmakers target cold medicine
I see Arkansas legislators haven’t given up their view that effective over-the-counter cold medicine is the only reason for the presence of methamphetamine.