Posted inArkansas Blog

Notorious dummy Tommy Tuberville says ‘inner city’ teachers are illiterate

U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama), the former football coach, native of Camden and graduate of Southern Arkansas University, once described the three branches of government as “the House, the Senate and the executive.” He also recently defended white nationalists. He’s a notorious dope. Still, his latest rant on “inner city teachers” was shockingly racist.

Posted inArkansas Blog

Arkansas begins to explore recycling nuclear waste

A new state law directs state officials to study the feasibility and commercial viability of recycling nuclear waste. Scientists, working in labs, have demonstrated that recycling spent nuclear rods is possible, but whether it can be done economically is unclear. Hunter Field, writing in the Arkansas Advocate, delves into the new law and its potential in Arkansas.

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