Posted inRock Candy

The Rep’s ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ is good, clean, gory fun

One part botany, two parts science fiction, three parts murder mystery and a generous splash of doo-wop. Did I miss anything? Perhaps a giant carnivorous plant with all the attitude and sass of your favorite drag performer? Mix well and you’ve got The Rep’s outstanding current production, the classic dark comedy musical “Little Shop Of Horrors,” now playing through the end of April.

Posted inRock Candy

The Rep’s ‘Laughter on the 23rd Floor’ offers wisecracks on a well-worn path

“Laughter on the 23rd Floor” is well-acted and well-produced, certainly. Judge Reinhold is alternately brash, crushed, world-conquering, tender, depressed, wall-punching and — when needed — a brilliant showman. We’ve just grown to expect more from Neil Simon’s more familiar work, and this one falls a bit short of his usual standards.

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