Posted inArkansas Blog

Assistant Chief Hayward Finks says mayor asked about firing Charles Starks during police chief job interview

The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette’s Clara Turnage’s reporting suggests the rift between Little Rock Mayor Frank Scott Jr. and local law enforcement officials is growing. Little Rock Police Department Assistant Chief Hayward Finks told Turnage that during his job interview for police chief, Mayor Frank Scott Jr. repeatedly asked him, “Who would you fire first if you were hired as police chief?” Finks understood that line of questioning to be about former LRPD officer Charles Starks, who shot and killed Bradley Blackshire during a “felony stop” on Feb. 22. Pulaski County Prosecutor Larry Jegley also told the newspaper that he’d never seen a felony case file rushed more in his nearly 30 years in office. He attributed the rush to pressure from the mayor on the police department.

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