Posted inArkansas Blog

ACLU, Tofurky challenge new Arkansas “truth-in-labeling” law

Tofurky, the Turtle Island Foods subsidiary that makes vegan alternatives to meat, has filed a federal lawsuit in Little Rock’s U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas challenging Arkansas’s new so-called “truth in labeling” law. Under the new law, Act 501, plant-based meat alternatives, like Tofurky, billed as “meat” will be considered mislabeled in Arkansas and subject to a fine of up to $1,000. Ditto for rice alternatives like “cauliflower rice” that contain no actual rice. 

Posted inArkansas Blog

NBC delves into Times legal battle over boycott law

NBC News has a long article on the Arkansas Times legal battle with the state over a law that requires all state contractors to pledge not to boycott Israel or take 20 percent less in fees. The Times, represented by the ACLU of Arkansas, challenged the law in federal court. U.S. District Judge Brian Miller dismissed the case. The Times has appealed the decision to the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals.

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